Blush Garden Rose - Paper Wrap Bouquet


Blush on Blush on Blush!

A gorgeous + chic Blush Garden Rose in a lush blush bunch designed decoratively in a luxury paper wrap.

A classic + luxurious Mother’s Day bouquet designed by a dedicated Seven Petal’s floral associate. Perfect for a Mother’s Day presentation.


+High Impact Garden Roses

+High Quality Decorative Paper Wrapping + Ribbon Tassel

+Hidden Temporary Hydration

+Fresh Hand Delivery

+Personalized Gift Message

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Availability may vary due to but not limited to weather, seasonality, and market conditions. Our designs use the freshest flowers currently available and strive to achieve the overall style and color palette as pictured.

Tropical Peony - Paper Wrap Bouquet
Fuchsia & Blue Anemone - Paper Wrap Bouquet
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